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King Tutankhamun Tomb the Secrets of The Boy King

King Tutankhamun Tomb the Secrets of The Boy King

The Secrets of Tutankhamun: Egypt’s Boy King and His Incredible Tomb. King Tutankhamun Tomb in the Valley of the Kings his Treasures, His life & Death, his curse and the latest scan of King Tutankhamen Tomb.

A journey to ancient Egypt exploring and learn about the golden king Tutankhamun’s tomb and history of the King Tutankhamun the boy king was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom 1332 to 1323 B.C.E, King Tut is chiefly known for his intact tomb, discovered in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings in 1922 A.D

Since then, his remains have held millions in awe over the mystery of his life and death. Tutankhamun Early life 1341 B.C.E Tutankhamun was born circa 1341 B.C.E. and given the name Tutankhaten, meaning “the living image of God Aten.” At this time, ancient Egypt was going through a great religious revolution led by the “heretic king.” Ikhnaton the father of King Tut, this religious revolution threw the society into chaos.

The capital was changed from Thebes ( Luxor ) to Armana ( El-Menya ) and Akhenaten put all of his efforts into the religious transition, neglecting domestic and foreign affairs. As the power struggle between old and new intensified, Akhenaten became more autocratic and his regime more corrupt. Following a 17-year reign, he was gone, probably forced to abdicate, and died soon after. His 9-year-old son, Tutankhaten, took over around 1332 B.C.E.

Tutankhamen Rules Egypt The same year that Tutankhaten took power, he married Ankhesenamun, his half-sister she was the daughter of Queen Nefertiti It is known that the young couple had two daughters, both likely to have been stillborn. Due to Tutankhamen’s young age when he assumed power, the first years of his reign were probably controlled by an elder known as Vizier Ay, who bore the title of Vizier. Ay was assisted by Horemheb, Egypt’s top military commander at the time.

Both men reversed Akhenaten’s decree to worship Aten, in favor of the traditional polytheistic beliefs. Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun, which means “the living image of Amun,” and had the royal court moved back to Thebes. The Secret of Tutankhamen Death For years, it was speculated that King Tutankhamun’s death at age 19 came courtesy of a blow to the head, inflicted, perhaps by a murderous rivals but in 2005 a study revealed that he broke his leg and developed an infection in the wound shortly before death.

According to one theory, the pharaoh sustained the injury by falling from his chariot during a hunt. Because Tutankhamun and his wife had no surviving children, his death at age 18, circa 1323 B.C.E., brought further turmoil to the court. Evidence indicates that upon his death, Ankhesenamun contacted the king of the Hittites asking for one of his sons as a husband.

The Hittite king sent a candidate, but he died during the journey, most likely assassinated before he got to the royal palace. This attempt to forge an alliance with a foreign power was most likely prevented by general Ay and Vezier Horemheb who were still in control behind the scenes.

Evidence shows that Ankhesenamun later married general Ay, before disappearing from history. Tutankhamun was buried in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. The body was preserved in the traditional fashion of mummification, There are no known records of Tutankhamun after his death untill the discovery of the tomb.

The discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Much of what is known about king Tutankhamun, better known today as King Tut, thanks to the discovery of his tomb in 1922 by British young man called Howard Carter had begun excavating in Egypt in 1891, and after World War I he began an intensive search for Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. On November 26, 1922, Carter and fellow archaeologist George Herbert, the Earl of Carnarvon, entered the interior chambers of the tomb. To their amazement, they found much of its contents and structure almost intact. Inside one of the chambers. Walls were painted on the walls that told the story of Tutankhamun’s funeral and his journey to the underworld.

The most fascinating item found was the stone sarcophagus containing three coffins, one inside the other, with a final coffin made of pure solid gold. When the lid of the third coffin was raised, King Tutankhamun’s royal mummy was revealed, preserved for more than 3,000 years. The Treasures & the Curse of King Tutanakhamun Now the treasures of King Tutankhamun displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo except the Mummy of the king still in the tomb and some in Luxor museum in Luxor. The treasures of King Tut about 5000 pieces you can enjoy this treasure during your tour in Egypt.The treasures of King Tut is priceless the most inserting is the 4 shrines and the golden Mask , and the throne of the King most of the artifacts made of pure gold and the others made of gilded wood, we found even the under wear of the king and 2 mummies of his two fetuses. Curse of King Tutankhamen?!

When Carter first entered King Tutankhamen Tomb in November 1922 and his financial sponsor a wealthy English Lord Carnarvon with a passion for Egyptology—was at his side 4 months later, lord Carnarvon died of apparent blood poisoning from an infected mosquito bite in the Valley of the Kings newspapers speculated that the Englishman had fallen victim to a “mummy’s curse” supposedly outlined on a clay tablet outside of the tomb written on it. (Death will come into a swift wing for anyone who will disturb the King) Rumors flew anew after the sudden deaths of others who had visited the Valley of the Kings.

It turns out, however, that frenzied journalists fabricated the story of the inscription. And in 2002, scientists examined the survival rates of 44 Westerners who had been in Egypt during Carter’s excavation, concluding that they were not at elevated risk of dying early. I hope this article about King Tutankhamun Tomb and treasures and his life and death useful for you We try to share with you some knowledge about Egypt and we can plan for you the best of Egypt tours and vacation packages to Egypt to give you the best of Egypt experience. Browse our tours to Egypt & pick yours.

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